Real Estate Spotlight: Washington, DC

Washington, D.C., is a worldwide hub of influence
and the nerve center for U.S. policy and politics.

With its impressive monuments and museums, its stately government buildings and mansions, Washington DC is easily recognizable as the United State’s capital city. The city is mainly based on government and everything from museums to mansions bring millions of tourists each year. Washington DC is the second most visited city in the United States (after New York) and is among the top travel destinations in the world. Read more

Real Estate Spotlight: Seattle, WA

Seattle has a magnificent setting, with a modern skyline
of glass skyscrapers and a friendly charm.

Seattle, Washington is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest. Located between Puget Sound and Lake Washington in King County, of which it is the county seat, and overlooking Elliott Bay, Seattle is nicknamed The Emerald City. The city is a damp green gem, with an abundance of evergreen trees throughout, and spectacular views of the Cascade mountains to the east and the Olympic mountains to the west. The cultural and business center of the Pacific Northwest, the city and its surrounding areas are the home of the Space Needle, Boeing’s aircraft assembly plants, Microsoft,, Costco, Nintendo of America, Starbucks, T-Mobile, and the University of Washington, as well as a vibrant arts and music scene and an excellent park system. Read more

Are You Ready to Be a Landlord?

Owning investment properties is hard, time-consuming work, and it can be very stressful and disastrous to your finances if you are not prudent in your endeavors.

However, even though it does have its challenges, it can also be very financially rewarding on a long-term basis. With some hard work and smart choices, just about anyone can retire with many properties that provide a nice income stream. So if you’re willing to get your hands a little dirty, being a landlord might just be right for you.

Here are a few factors to consider when determining whether being a landlord is right for you. Read more

Use Your IRA To Buy Investment Properties

Don’t put all of your IRA eggs into one basket.

 Putting your hard-earned IRA assets into a “self-directed” IRA can be a very good idea to grow long-term, tax-deferred or tax-free assets. But it doesn’t work for everyone.

With taxes going up for most people, you might be paying more attention to your tax-deferred retirement investing options, such as your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). And with property prices going up, you might ponder whether you can invest those IRA funds in real estate to both defer (or eliminate) taxes and earn a fair rate of return.

Here are a few things you should specifically consider if you think using an IRA to buy investment properties could work for you. Read more

Parenting While Distracted

2269_child-with-ipad-121025-l-aapThe undivided attention that children need from us is in jeopardy.

I’ve been a pediatrician for 20 years, and I thought I’d seen it all. But not long ago, when a father brought his 2-year-old into my clinic, something happened that has me deeply concerned.

Upon entering my examining room, I found father and son sitting together, eyes downcast, each silently scrolling and tapping on smartphones. During my initial exam, the father directed most of my questions to his frowning toddler, who indicated that his ears hurt, and I quickly discovered that both eardrums were red and inflamed. Read more

How to Check Your Credit

CreditScoreReportHistoryMake sure everything lines up!

 Your credit score impacts a lot in your life, from buying a car to buying a house and even, sometimes, to getting a job. (Believe it or not, some employers check your credit report.) You owe it to yourself to know exactly what your credit score is, and how you can go about making it better. Here’s a quick rundown of the big things you need to know. Read more

Need a College Loan?

College Grads Matted

 Private College Loans Can Be Cheaper Than Federal Loans

Many students and families have substantial college debt by the time of graduation. For many of those families, private college loans are much cheaper than federal student loans now—a reversal from as recently as one year ago. While the federal government has increased interest rates on its loans for the 2014-15 academic year, most private lenders have kept their rates steady for parents with high credit scores.

Interest rates on new federal Plus loans—which are often taken out by parents—have recently risen. Every borrower gets the same rate regardless of his or her credit score. Read more

Purpose of a Real Estate Appraisal

How much is your home worth? A real estate appraisal will tell you.

 In order to obtain a home loan, you will need an appraisal on the property you wish to buy. Your lender will set up the appraisal and the results will help determine how much money the lender will be willing to lend on the property.

The purpose of a real estate appraisal is to determine the estimated market value of a house, condominium, commercial property, vacant land, etc. It is used to assist someone in making a decision. They may be considering purchasing, selling, insuring, or lending money on a house, condo, commercial property, or vacant lot. Appraisals are also used for tax purposes to estimate how much money a property owner has to pay in taxes.





What Is The Appraiser Appraising?

Know how an appraiser determines the value of your home.

Banks and mortgage lenders need appraisals to assist them in figuring out how much money to lend someone for a home loan. There are many different aspects of a loan application that the banker has to consider, but mortgage lenders always require an appraisal since the real estate will be the collateral for the mortgage loan.

A visit from an appraiser is an inevitable part of selling your home. Even if your buyer is happy to pay what you ask and loves the place, the lender will still require that an objective third party – in the form of a professional appraiser – come through the home to determine its value. . It is certainly worthwhile to know what an appraiser will look for. The questions that many home owners ask me is “how does the appraiser determine the value of my home”? Read more