It is wise to take some precautions against frozen pipes well ahead of the cold weather. Dan Stillman from the Capital Weather Gang has written a good article posted on Washington Post on how to protect your home from getting frozen pipes.
Real Estate Spotlight: Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles is a town of great diversity with so much to see and explore.
Los Angeles may be known for its beach living and celebrity-infused backdrop, but it was once a farm town. The hillsides were covered in citrus orchards and dairy farms, and agriculture was a major industry. These days, although L.A. is urbanized, the city’s overall landscape has re-embraced a local, sustainable, and seasonal philosophy at many levels. Read more
Floods and Earthquakes; Are You Covered?
Natural disasters happen. Make sure you are prepared.
Having the right insurance policies in place can soften the blows from unexpected events that would otherwise mean financial catastrophe for you and your family. But if you’re like many people, you may not fully understand all the policies you have, let alone whether they’re adequate to meet your needs.
Here are some tips to help you assess your current coverage and decide whether you need to make any changes. Read more
Unspoiled Children, No Rod Needed
Parents Can Be Generous Without Turning Children Into Entitled Little Terrors
You want to give your children everything. But sometimes you can go too far and create a spoiled, entitled brat.
The consequences can be severe: In addition to acting like whiny complainers now, spoiled children are more likely to grow into financially dependent, irresponsible adults plagued by overspending and debt.
“Some parents want their children to have everything for free,” says Katherine Dean, managing director of wealth planning at Wells Fargo Private Bank in San Francisco. “But the real world doesn’t work that way.”
Financial advisers and therapists suggest various ways to avoid spoiling your children. Read more
Student Debt Can Torpedo Your Chances for a Home Loan
Student debt can adversely affect getting your first loan.
At we frequently encounter young clients who cannot qualify for a home loan due to high student debt.
“As students graduate with more debt than ever, those with student loans are getting worse credit scores and taking out fewer mortgages. At the same time home ownership rates among younger Americans sink to historic lows. College students who took out loans will graduate this year with an average of $33,000 in student debt, Read more
Spruce Up Your Front Entrance for Under $100
Wouldn’t it be nice to approach your home’s entrance with a grin instead of a grimace? Use these tips for a clear, safe, and stylish path to your front door.
1. Clear the way for curb appeal. The path to your front door should be at least 3 feet wide so people can walk shoulder-to-shoulder, with an unobstructed view and no stumbling hazards. So get out those loppers and cut back any overhanging branches or encroaching shrubs.
2. Light the route. Landscape lighting makes it easy to Read more